Alexander was born in Kilsyth in about 1794. He married Elizabeth Boag but we do not know when.
We have just one census record - for 1861. They are living in Kilsyth with a granddaughter, Mary Cameron.
Alexander was a coal miner according to Alex. In the 1861 census he was described as a Colling Manager and he was living in Colling Manager H. (Note the transcription might be a bit dodgy)
Elizabeth Boag
Elizabeth lived from 1787 to 1865. She was born in Kilsyth. In 1861 she was described as a Colling wife.
The poem was typed on to some headed notepaper belonging to Armstrong-Holland Pty Ltd who were Engineers and Machinery Merchants based in Bridge Street in Sydney. Unfortunately there is no date on the paper.
Parents and Children
The parents of Alexander were Daniel Cameron and Elizabeth Finlay. We do not know the parents of Elizabeth Boag. I have no information about Daniel Cameron or Elizabeth Finlay.
We have no evidence of any other surviving children other than Daniel. In 1861 they have a granddaughter, Mary Cameron, staying with them. She is 12 and described as a domestic servant. Now Daniel had a daughter of that age and at first it looks as if the record shows Mary Cameron with her parents in 1861. However the age of the Mary living with Daniel was given as 7 - so I think there was confusion and that record relates to Margaret born in 1854. My conclusion is that Alexander's grand daughter is Mary, daughter of Daniel.